ENBEL2023 Conference on Connecting Health & Climate Change
The ENBEL2023 scientific Conference on Connecting Health & Climate Change took place in Stockholm 11-12 October 2023 and brought together in total more than 300 participants (onsite and online) from across 35 countries. Watch the recording of the sessions here.
ENBEL - linking climate scientists and health researchers and engaging with decision-makers
The latest film from the ENBEL project highlights the impact that the project has had in connecting climate and health research with policymaking.
Watch it: Workshop on urban greenness, health and climate concerns
Watch the recording of our online workshop addressing health concerns of urban greenness in perspective of climate change covering the latest research findings and mitigation strategies.
New series of educational videos on climate change and health from the ENBEL project
The ENBEL project has developed a series of six short educational videos on climate change and health topics to give more information on how climate change effects our health and what we can do about it.
Workshop: Urban greenness, health and climate concerns
On 26 January, the University of Tartu, Karolinska Institutet, the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and CICERO Center for International Climate Research organise an online workshop addressing health concerns of urban greenness in perspective of climate change. We will discover the latest research findings and mitigation strategies to address health challenges from those disasters.