New series of educational videos on climate change and health from the ENBEL project
The ENBEL project has developed a series of six short educational videos on climate change and health topics to give more information on how climate change effects our health and what we can do about it.
Local ENBEL policy workshop in Uganda sparked timely discussions
A set of concrete recommendations to advance the climate and health agenda and to address climate-related health risks were identified by the participants in a climate and health workshop in Uganda co-organised by ENBEL-partner Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre and the Ugandan Ministry of Health.
High-level CHANCE conference in South Africa addressed how to advance African climate change, health policies and financing
The Climate Health African Network for Collaboration and Engagement (CHANCE), successfully conducted its first on-site meeting in Tswane, South Africa, 23-24 June gathering more than 60 onsite and more than 150 virtual attendees.
Extreme heat hurts human health. Its effects must be mitigated – urgently
The African continent is heating up more, and faster, than other regions in the world according to the recently released State of Climate in Africa Report.