Vulnerabilities and health inequalities

By Annechien Dirkje Hoeben, Graz University

At present, the team of Work Package 3 led by Ilona M. Otto from the University of Graz and Matthew Chersich from the University of the Witwatersrand is working on a task focusing on vulnerabilities and health inequalities in the results brought forward by the ENBEL partner projects. The team plans to disaggregate and analyse findings according to the PROGRESS-Plus equity framework, namely: Place of residence, Ethnicity, Occupation, Gender, Religion, Education, Socio-economic status, Social capital, and other factors such as age. A report and journal article will be drafted targeting national health ministries and public health officials on differential vulnerability to climate change impacts. The paper is planned to be published in April 2022.

Read more about the work on syntheses in Work Package 3.


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