Filtering by: “COP27”

Advancing African Climate Change & Health Policies and Networking, side event at WHO Health Pavilion at COP27
ENBEL and the CHANCE network in partnership with WHO AFRO and the Clim-Health network is organising a side event at the WHO Health Pavilion at COP27 15 November 2022.

Climate change and women’s health at the WHO Health Pavilion at COP27
This session will be an interactive discussion exploring how climate change is affecting women’s health in Sub-Saharan Africa. We will unpack ongoing research on this topic and examine solutions that can be implemented to address these differences.

Africa Regional Resilience Hub: Dealing with extreme heat in African Cities: what does it take?
The CHANCE Network and the University of Botswana is organising a session at the Africa Regional Resilience Hub 19 September Dealing with extreme heat in African Cities: what does it take?