ENBEL at COP27 in Egypt: Highlighting health impacts of climate change
ENBEL was present and organized two side-events at the WHO health pavilion at COP27 highlighting the climate change impacts on woman’s health and how to advance climate change and health agenda, policy and financing in Africa.
In flames: Air pollution and human health
While air pollution from PM2.5-emissions have been reduced in Europe and North America, air pollution from wildfires is increasing. With climate change, we will see more wildfires, risking that the impacts of the efforts that have been made to mitigate air pollution and related negative health effects could be diminished.
Climate change and health at the 15th European Public Health Conference in Berlin
A broad range of topics related to environment, climate and health were discussed when researchers, policymakers and practitioners met for the European Public Health conference recently. Our colleagues were there and share their reflections on how the topic of climate change and health featured at the conference.
New report from Lancet Countdown highlights increasing impacts of climate change on people’s health and wellbeing
Climate change is undermining every dimension of global health monitored, states the most recent Lancet Countdown report that is tracking the connection between health and climate change.
How much climate finance goes to health?
Health specialists at the Climate Centre are analysing flows of adaptation finance and looking at how much of this funding is used for local health programming. Preliminary results from our research on national commitments and funding streams provides an insight into the landscape of climate action.
Improving workers’ health in Central America
ENBEL partner get 8 million USD in new funding from the US Government to improve workers’ health and safety in the face of climate change in Central America.
Synergies and joint actions between EU funded climate and health projects discussed
How can projects working on heat and workers health, cardiopulmonary impacts of heat and air pollution, cascading climate risks and social vulnerability and community resilience find potential synergies and joint actions?
ENBEL new member of WHO-Civil Society Working Group on Climate and Health
The ENBEL project is accepted as a member of the WHO-Civil Society Working Group to advance action on Climate and Health for the next two years.
Protecting pregnant women and babies from extreme temperatures
What interventions may help to reduce the impact of heat stress on pregnant women, women who have given birth and their new-born babies? The CHAMNHA project engaged in co-design workshops with stakeholders in Kenya and Burkina Faso to co-create locally appropriate and feasible interventions.
Recent evidence from the WHO European Region on heat and health prevention.
In light of summer 2021 approaching, in which we are still in a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the recent WHO report on evidence for heat and health prevention in Europe provides useful insights on how to adjust Heat health adaptation plans (HHAPs) to ensure an effective heat response.
ENBEL kicks off online with partners across the globe
2 December 2020 the 17 ENBEL partners and advisory board members present on four continents met for a digital kick off of the project.