Factor health into adaptation finance, says Climate Centre study
Finance for adaptation is not sufficiently targeting the countries most vulnerable to the climate crisis and falling short of needs in the health sector, indicates research from Climate Centre funded through the ENBEL project.
New paper on integrating public health in European climate adaptation
In order for health risks to be better integrated into adaptation policy and planning, it is critical to interconnect national and urban levels, reduce sectoral thinking and welcome external expertize and facilitate large-scale data collection and sharing of health and climate indicators, argues Annechien D. Hoeben et. al in a paper in Climate Policy.
How much climate finance goes to health?
Health specialists at the Climate Centre are analysing flows of adaptation finance and looking at how much of this funding is used for local health programming. Preliminary results from our research on national commitments and funding streams provides an insight into the landscape of climate action.
Linking climate change and health: Summarizing stakeholders' interviews in Norway
ENBEL partner Norwegian Institute of Public Health interviewed Norwegian decision-makers at local and national level about how they work with adaptation to reduce the health effects of climate change. They found no clear connection between climate adaptation and health adaptation strategies in the surveyed Norwegian municipalities.
Protecting pregnant women and babies from extreme temperatures
What interventions may help to reduce the impact of heat stress on pregnant women, women who have given birth and their new-born babies? The CHAMNHA project engaged in co-design workshops with stakeholders in Kenya and Burkina Faso to co-create locally appropriate and feasible interventions.