Health adaptation to climate change in Africa: Unpackaging results from a stakeholder mapping exercise in East and Southern Africa
Climate change is already affecting the health of populations in Southern and Eastern Africa and there is an urgent need to develop adaptation strategies. This presentation will discuss the adaptation priorities for the health sector from a document review of national adaptation policies in countries in East and Southern Africa.
Launch of videos on community action, climate change and health in Toco, Trinidad
Welcome to the launch of videos on communitiy action, climate change and health in Toco, Trinidad.
Climate change and health: promoting wellbeing through climate action
This webinar is part of the 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA) webinar series. It presents state-of-the art knowledge on health effects of global warming linked to heat stress and other climate hazards in a European context and discusses how alternative policy options and measures can help safeguarding the health and wellbeing of citizens through climate action.
Time for heat-health action: Updated evidence for effective prevention
The year 2020 was one of the three warmest on record. This year, we must also brace ourselves for a long, hot summer as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates the problems caused by prolonged periods of heat. Join this webinar organised jointly by the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health and the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) Secretariat.